Learn English – what is the correct abbreviation for millions, billions and trillions in a financial context


I've found answers on the web but also got conflicting answers from financial professionals (coworkers).

In metric, you'd use M (mega) for million, G (giga) for billion and T (tera) for trillion. The only financial specific similar abbreviation I can find is MM for million (financial notation, according to wikipedia).

What's the AP style (or equivalent) abbreviation for billion and trillion in a financial context?

Bonus: where would I find this information?

Best Answer

I have seen million, billion, and trillion abbreviated as M, B, and T respectively. However, I would not bet that that is a standard abbreviation.

$3.1M settlement in Daniel McCormack priest sex abuse case for Chicago Archdiocese
Lawyers: $9M settlement for boy's cerebral palsy - Washington Times
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