Learn English – What part of speech is “that” in each of the following sentences that mean the same


It was all planned well before today that I can be sure about.

Here I believe that that is subordinating conjunction.

It was all planned well before today; I can be sure about that.

Here I believe that that is pronoun, hence the need for the semicolon to separate the two coordinating clauses.

And are they both right? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Best Answer

The word "that" is used identically in both sentences. Since it is not functioning as a subordinator, and the writer is linking two independent clauses, a semi-colon is required in both cases. Edwin is right: using a comma before "that" would create a run-on.

That said, it doesn't mean that a writer might not chose a comma instead. It only means that, given the rules of formal written English, a semi-colon (or a period) would be the conventional choice.