Learn English – What should be used for additional information? Comma or Semi-colon


Which of the following is correct?

My family is part of the Miami tribe; a Native American people with strong ties to territory in present-day Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.


My family is part of the Miami tribe, a Native American people with strong ties to territory in present-day Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

Best Answer

Semicolons are used to link two sentences into one, as in

You are here; I am not.

or to separate items in a list after a colon or when the items have commas within them (which would make use of a comma as a separator confusing):

I need a bowl, of any color and size you have; and measuring spoons.

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So a semicolon wouldn't work here.

A comma is fine: in fact, this is a primary use of commas. Grammar Girl shows several examples of using a comma in this way.

A colon is also OK. It can be used to separate an explanation of what comes previously. See rule 4 of this page from Grammar Book.

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