Learn English – What words or idioms are there for “beneficial constructive distraction that would establish or facilitate balance”


What words are there for

beneficial constructive distraction from a task that would improve the results or establish or facilitate balance among various tasks (all being a "distraction" in that sense)

As in work-life balance that would not manifest until some extraneous "distraction" occurs that would improve the result?

I would like to avoid philosophical or psychological discussions of whether it can be the case. But there's such an assumption underlying the quoted expression—namely that giving sole attention to only one thing without another one, a few, or many, things, is detrimental to your success at that one thing.

What I am looking for is either a single substantive (if existent) or an idiom, preferably, more or less commonplace, with regard to the substantive "distraction".

Edit: I am grateful for the answers given so far. I failed to mention that I am looking, among other, particularly for words/idioms that are acceptable in rather formal context like corporate letters, job application letters, scientific documents.

Please take a look at the comments to the answers so far for an exemplary specification of why I would like to avoid negative connotations. It is basically due to the perception of the addressee–the message should not communicate that the person is tired or "burned out", i.e., wants to use their free time rather than working time, for an additional activity.

Best Answer

I think a common phrase that sums this point is All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

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