Learn English – What would be the proper abbreviation for an event that has yet occur


I am looking for an abbreviation for an event that is expected to occur in the future, but has yet to occur. Similar to TBD for to be determined and TBA for to be announced.

My events are a series of checkpoints and reviews that will occur in the life cycle of a product design at my company.

I am looking for an abbreviation to put into the date field before the actual checkpoint occurs.


To clarify, the term I am looking for is for something that will definitively happen. There is a chart that says things like : Initial review – (date), Secondary review – (date), etc. It is not an event that people will need to know in advance, but more of a this happened on this date kind of thing. I just want something to put in the date field instead of leaving it empty to indicate that it is not yet completed.

Best Answer

You may also see TBC - To Be Confirmed. This can be applied to several details (e.g., date, venue, lineup etc.)