Learn English – What would be the serious equivalent of “parody”


I'm looking for a suitable word.

A parody is a work that references some other work by making fun of it, usually having similar setting and characters but comic outcome.

What if the referencing work is not intended to be funny? For example, I'm just reading a comic clearly referencing some other comic but turning story originally intended for kids much more realistic, gitty and simply gruesome. Is there a word in English describing such a work?

Edit: After reading a few suggestions I noticed one subtlety I intended to express. Just like in the case of parody I'd like to indicate a sense of discussion with the original work. It's something I have an impression is missing in case of remake or rework.

Best Answer

A reinterpretation? Reinterpret:

to understand and explain or show (something) in a new or different way


to make changes to (something, such as a piece of writing or music) in order to improve it.


restart or revive (a process or sequence, especially a series of films or television programmes); give fresh impetus to.


  1. an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period.

  2. an artistic work consisting of a medley of pieces imitating various sources.

  3. imitate the style of (an artist or work).


a gesture of acknowledgement or concession to.

"the device is a nod to the conventions of slapstick"


a person or thing having the characteristics of a former time.

"a lot of his work is a throwback to the fifties"

All definitions sourced from the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English, provided by Google, or Merriam-Webster.

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