Learn English – What’s a good word for a person, or a state, when a person is constantly waiting for life to get good, but does nothing to actually make it happen


I've written a song about people who constantly wait for something good to happen to them and am looking for a word to describe this state/paradox/condition.

The song is about people who expect life to get better for no reason, talk about moving to a bigger city or a different place as if that would magically make them rich, famous and happy, and keep talking about how they are going to do this or that, but never do it. I was under the impression that there's a psychological term for this state, but can't google it up, so I probably made it up.

This is essentially a song about myself, I keep talking about how I love to make music, or shoot videos, but I never actually produce anything, yet it's the only thing I can think of. When it comes to the moment to take action – I just stay at home watching tv shows.

I know it's a broad question and list of topics, but I guess I'm looking for a word that describes this state – of doing NOTHING.

Best Answer

Maybe not the greatest word for a song, but dreamer:

2a : one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination

Fantasist and Walter Mitty show up as synonyms.

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