Learn English – What’s the corresponding term for the mouth


To wear blinkers or blinders is used metaphorically to mean choosing deliberately not to see or ignore the truth; to wear ear plugs refers to one voluntarily choosing not to listen. How about the mouth?

Can choosing to keep silent when one oughtn't be metaphorically referred to as wearing a muzzle?

Best Answer

Some say that they're keeping their lips zipped where I'm from, but its more associated with secrets... But it can work. "He kept his lips sealed when he knew he ought to say something about... his manager?" What's the context? Either way, there's probably more creative ones. Clammed up is one...

Coming at the question at another angle, I don't think there's a popular metaphor mainly because the good ones are associated more with bondage and the like. Gagged, muzzled... Yeah, those can work but have a really ugly connotation, and I can't think of anything else that fits in the set.