Learn English – What’s the counterpart of the adjective ‘pending’


The completion of task A cannot be achieved until task B is completed.

I can therefore say that task A is in a group of tasks whose completion is suspended 'pending' the completion of task B. I can classify them as 'Pending'

But I want an adjective for the group of tasks that task B belongs to. A group of tasks, the completion of which allows other tasks to be addressed.

Pended? Pendant? – just can't pin down a word that works for this!

Any ideas please!

Best Answer

Prerequisite springs to mind.

  • It would be immediately intelligible to anyone who has attended an American university or played Dungeons and Dragons.

  • It can be deployed as either an adjective or a noun.

  • Its upstream and downstream scopes can be expressed economically (T’s prerequisites are S1 and S2, S1 is prerequisite to T).

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