Learn English – What’s the difference between pronunciation and enunciation


What's the difference between pronunciation and enunciation? I learned this a long time ago in English class but forgot what it was.


For example, Wikipedia says:

Good enunciation is the act of speaking clearly and concisely. The opposite of good enunciation is mumbling or slurring. See also pronunciation which is a component of enunciation. Pronunciation is to pronounce sounds of words correctly

I can't tell from this what the specific difference is. When is it correct to say someone's pronunciation is off versus when their enunciation is off?

Merriam Webster's definition defines enunciate as :

  1. articulate, pronounce

That would seem to say it's the same as to pronounce.

Is there a specific example of incorrect pronunciation verses enunciation?

Best Answer

Say the following aloud, being very careful to say each syllable very clearly and precisely: feb - you - air - eee.

Now do the same for this: feb - rue - air - eee.

Your enunciation was good with both, though your pronunciation was only correct for the second.