Learn English – What’s the sentence pattern of “I’m only one call away”


I found the sentence

"I'm only one call away"

in the song lyric of "One call away – Charlie Puth" and got to have doubt about what its sentence pattern should be like? It's possible if it could be S+V+O+C+A pattern like this following sentence:

"The governor / has sworn / him / chief minister / yesterday"

However it might be pretty incorrect that I would fit it in the SOVCA pattern. Because a word "one", in the former sentence, is not playing the role as object like "him", in the latter one, yet it's playing as subjective complement instead, right?
And, what is the part of speech of a word "call" in the song lyric? Is it noun?

Best Answer

Your sentence doesn't have an object, so it doesn't fit into that pattern.


  • I am smart. (no object, smart is a complement)
  • I am away. (no object, away is a complement)
  • I am two miles away. (away is a complement which is modified by the noun phrase two miles)
  • I am one call away. (same as above, away is modified by the noun phrase one call)

BTW, there are different views on what part of speech away is in the above sentence (adverb? preposition?).

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