Learn English – What’s the verb for discontinuing a call on a mobile phone


What is the correct term for stopping a conversation on a mobile phone?

In the old days we used to put the phone down when we were done talking. Do we now put the mobile down instead of putting the phone down, or do now we turn it off or switch it off even though the mobile phone is still working after the call is over?

Best Answer

So odd... In the old days, the wall phone was the only phone in the house. Since the receiver hung on a bracket, everyone "hung-up". (The same with public pay-phones.) Despite the changes in design, "hang-up" persevered. Now, while you can end the call, disconnect, turn it off, or whatever, If someone does it to you, (in the US) you will most likely say, "That $*#@! hung-up on me!"

(Although, when the rude person calls you back, he will say that he "lost you" in a "dead zone")

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