Learn English – When is it appropriate, if at all, to use the suffix “ish”


When is it appropriate, if at all, to use the suffix ish?

Consider the following:

She was a largish woman

According to Google the word largish is defined as somewhat large. However, Merriam-Webster seems to redirect the search phrase to large instead.

I have seen people abuse this quite a bit. When does one draw the line when using this suffix? Or does it have no place in formal english?

Best Answer

I think you could make the argument that the -ish suffix should not be used in formal English to create ad-hoc words on the spot, like "largish". There is nothing grammatically wrong β€” you will, of course be understood β€” but it has a definite informal connotation. However, there are a number of established words, e.g. impish, boorish, devilish, sheepish, etc., where -ish is accepted in all contexts, including formal ones.