Learn English – When should “such forth” be used


I was just having a conversation with a friend and I said "see how far from the access point each device is, so that I can do some relocation and such forth".

She said that using such forth at that part of the sentence is incorrect. Why?

Best Answer

The idiomatic phrase is "and so forth" which is often also used as a part of the phrase "and so on and so forth". It is, IMO, an elided form of "(and so it goes on) and so it goes forth".

While "and such forth" appears to be reasonably commonly used (going by Google's results), this ngram suggests that it is at best a colloquialism or a dialectal peculiarity and at worst, a common error.

To answer the question in the title, I'd say that and such forth should never be used. The phrase and so forth should be preferred instead.

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