Greetings – Appropriate Responses When Someone Asks ‘How Are You?’


When someone asks, "How are you?" are you supposed to answer, "Good," or "Fine," and ask back?

Best Answer

Yes. Depending on where you are in the English-speaking world and on your relationship with the other person, you might reply with any of the following:

  • I'm fine, thank you.
  • I'm good. You?
  • Doing great! And how are you?
  • Good. Doing okay?

Certainly, several other possible permutations. No response at all would be considered rude anywhere. Just saying, "Fine," in response without a "thank you" or a reciprocal question would also be considered brusque, standoffish or rude; or the asker may simply conclude you are in a bad mood. The first response is the norm in places or cases where the respondent does not deem it polite or appropriate to respond in kind with a "How are you?"