Learn English – When to use a comma after “there is in fact”


The following quote has a comma after it:

There is, in fact, not much point in writing a novel unless you can
show the possibility of moral transformation, or an increase in
wisdom, operating in your chief character or characters.

But [this quote](www.goodreads.com/quotes/312171-there-is-in-fact-something-obscene-and-sinister-about-photography
) doesn't:

There is in fact something obscene and sinister about photography, a
desire to imprison, to incorporate, a sexual intensity of pursuit.

When should you use a comma after "there is in fact"?

Is it necessary to put a comma after "there is in fact"?

Best Answer

I would omit "in fact" completely. It is one of those overused expressions that can unintentionally make you sound like a hack. If you re-examine your sentence, you will almost always find that "in fact" adds nothing to your meaning and can safely be purged.

The Unversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) has a useful handout that I have given to students before.