Learn English – Where did the idiom “anally retentive” originate


Here's another phrase I hear in US TVs and Films, but take for granted… What's the etymology of the idiom "anally retentive", and how did it become synonymous with being pedantic?

Best Answer

Etymonline states:

Anal-retentive first attested 1957, in psychological jargon.

According to Wikipedia, which does a much more thorough job of explaining than I will, the term comes from the psychological work of Dr. Sigmund Freud. Freud postulated that the anal stage of development, or that regarding toilet training, could have a profound effect on the later personality of a child.

The term anal-retentive refers to the retention, in later life, of such behaviors associated with the anal stage. These behaviors include:

"orderliness, stubbornness, a compulsion for control".

The term to describe those people who reject these characteristics is anal-expulsive.