Learn English – Where do you place ‘please’ in a sentence to sound the most polite


An interesting thing just came up at my work place which I did not really know.

We got this text that says something like "Insert a flash drive, please." in the English version. Here I was wondering, isn't it more correct/polite to say "Please insert a flash drive."?

So my 2 questions are:
Are both of these valid? Which one would be more polite in terms of displaying them to a customer?

Best Answer

In written language IMO please should come at the beginning.

In spoken language either is fine as long as the intonation is matching.

The "problem" with adding please at the end of a written statement is to make it sound demanding.

Can you look into that for me? vs. Can you look into that for me please?

It's subtle but until somebody (my manager) pointed this out to me I thought I was polite by adding please at the end.

Can you confirm that I have answered your question - please?

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