Learn English – Which is correct: “…as a new…” or “…as new…”


I've been having this discussion for a few months now: should I write "the molecule has been identified as new anti-inflammatory drug" or "the molecule has been identified as a new anti-inflammatory drug"?

I believe the second option is correct, but English is not my native language, and I can't find a rule to justify my opinion. Is there any rule that states the requirement of the article?

Sorry if this is really obvious, and thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You are correct. Our use of an adjective does not remove the need for a determiner (articles: "a", "an", or "the"; possessives: "my", "his", etc.; or demonstratives: "this", "that", etc.).

To put it simply, we always need a determiner unless:

  • It a general noun with a number. "Three cats are outside."
  • It is a name. "Sam is outside." (And some names need "the", like "the United States")
  • It is a general, plural/non-count noun. "Cats are cute."

All other cases need a determiner, so if you don't have "my", "this", or such, you must have "a/an" for a general singular noun.

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