Learn English – Which is more appropriate: Watch out/Be careful you are going to fall OR you will fall


The thing is that the answer key to Round Up 3 says: Watch out! You are going to fall! BUT Be careful or you will burn your hand.

I wonder whether it is possible to interchange 'to be going to do smth' for future simple in the above sentences as the rule goes like this: We use "will" for prediction, warning, offer, promise, threat, polite request, on-the-spot decision, opinion, hope, fear (especially with the words: think, expect, suppose, hope, believe, know, probably, sure etc). e.g.: Be quiet or the teacher will get angry. (warning) I'll write to you every day. (promise)

While we should bear in mind that one of the uses of 'to be going to do smth' is when there's evidence that smth is about to happen: There's going to be rain because the sky is overcast.

So, i can't quite tell one from the other – whether it is a warning or evidence of what is going to happen and could they be applied simultaneously to one case? Meaning, one can use both depending on what they imply.

Best Answer

The difference is that

Watch out! You are going to fall!

is an immediate warning, while

Be careful, or you will burn your hand

is not. If somebody was climbing, and reaching for an insecure handhold, you could yell

Be careful! Or you're going to fall!

If you're telling a child how to put cookies into the oven, and there's no immediate danger, you would say

Be careful, or you will burn your hand.

But if you see somebody is about to pick up a pot you know you've just taken out of the oven, you could say:

Watch out! You're going to burn your hand!