Learn English – Which is the correct form: “Parameter set”, “parameters set”, or “parameters’ set”


I have sets of parameters like (1, 2, 3, 5) or (3.14, 2.73, 1.44, 1.73). They are named, but I do not think it makes any difference. Which form is the correct one to call one general case or example of such things?

  1. Parameter set.
  2. Parameters set.
  3. Parameters' set.

I would opt for choice 2. but I am not really sure. That would impose the plural so maybe choice 1 is correct. Choice 3 sounds really off to me in English, but that would be the direct calque from my native language.

Best Answer

The correct form would be parameter set.

Consider the forms in which set can be applied to objects: when you have a set of pencils, the alternative is pencil set, never pencils set. You'd never see 2. used, except in some strange circumstances, e.g. scissors set, where the word used to refer to one object in the set is plural.

3 is incorrect, because the set doesn't belong to the parameters. Parameters' set would, in some cases, be correct, but not here. An example that comes to mind is where you might refer to a few parameters, then identify the set they belong to with e.g. the aforementioned parameters' set.

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