Learn English – Why are animal names used as vulgar slang for body parts


Asking this question in strict propriety out of genuine curiosity, why is that in (American) English animal-related names are used for vulgar names for the private body parts? In fact, all of the examples I can think of, at least one vulgar term for each body seems to come from an animal. I am sure there are exceptions but even then, why are they so common? What is this fascination with having animal names as "dirty" words, i.e.

  1. Cock – A rooster
  2. Pussy – A cat
  3. Tits – A small bird
  4. Ass – A donkey – okay I see this so this can be taken out.

Is this only in America or does it happen in other parts of the English-speaking world as well?

Best Answer

In all these cases there is no link to the animal

Cock - A rooster

The body part is probably from cock to mean raise up, as in "cocking a gun". The bird is old English/Scandanavia

Pussy - A cat

The body part is much older from Scandanavian/OE word for a pocket or bag. The cat is newer and probably just a childish onomatopoeia for soft/furry

Tits - A small bird

The body part is from teats and the French Teton. The bird is from Scandanavian for any small animal, cf Titmouse

Ass - A donkey - okay I see this so this can be taken out.

There is no conection between the words, The body part is OE ærs, Assa is latin . See Why are the "donkey" and the "butt" both named "ass"?

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