Learn English – Why do Americans call single beds ‘twin beds’


In America, a bed suitable for a single person (child) to sleep in is known as a 'twin bed', whereas in England it is a 'single bed'.

Any ideas on why it is called a twin bed in America?

Best Answer

Twin bed is either of a pair of matching single beds ready to be joined to another twin bed to create twin beds. The word simply describes a bed which is stackable with another bed. A single bed isn't stackable, at least not the way you'd want it to.

UPDATE according to what John Y commented:

Well, wikipedia says:

U.S. terminology refers to a twin bed to mean what is known as a single bed in other countries, whereas other countries understand twin beds to be two single beds in the same room.

While wiktionary says:

twin bed (plural twin beds): Either of a pair of matching single beds.

Oxford dictionary says:

one of a pair of matching single beds, particularly in a hotel or guest room intended for two people.

So to sum it up, and now correct me if I'm wrong:

1 bed (US): twin bed
2 beds (US): twin beds

1 bed (UK): single bed or a twin bed if it belongs to a pair of beds
2 beds (UK): twin bed or twin beds

Therefore twin bed is ambiguous, unless the dictionaries are wrong.