Learn English – Why “Do I know you” not “Do you know me”


When two people meet, and one of them says hello but the other one can't recognize him or her, the other one would ask "Do I know you?"

I know this is natural for English speakers but it could be strange for some non native speakers like me.
Because in this situation I would ask "Do you know me?"

Why do English speakers ask in this way?
From a common-sense standpoint, it is strange to ask others whether I know someone or not.

Best Answer

"Do I know you?" is an idiomatic expression that could be used when you can't recognize a stranger who says "Hi!" to you. Depending on tone and intonation, it could be interpreted as cold rejection uttered to avoid him/her or friendly gesture to ask him/her to elaborate on where/when/how they met before.

"Do you know me?" could sound more rude and cold than "Do I know you?".

There are other English expressions using this construction, for example:

Did I miss something?

It asks others to tell the questioner what happened while (s)he was absent. Using your explanation, the question sounds weird because it asks others whether I missed something or not.

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