Learn English – Why do we say a check “bounced”


A "bounced check" is a check that cannot be processed by the bank because the party who wrote the check has insufficient funds to cover the amount of the check. (To my understanding it is a non-formal term; in other words, it's not the terminology the bank would use.)

I've heard this term used in the following ways:

  • The bank charges me a fee for any bounced checks that I cash, so make sure you have enough money in your checking account!
  • I must not forget to deposit my paycheck today or my rent check will bounce.

A ball bounces, but a check just flutters to the floor. How did the term "bounce" come to mean a check that lacks funds?

Best Answer

The term comes from the fact that the cheque was stamped RD (refer to drawer) and returned to the payee. It appeared to bounce out of the bank and back to him.