Learn English – Why does “forgetive” mean “creative”, not “easy to forget things”


As the title says. It surprised me when I found this online dictionary entry at the time I tried to express "easy to forget things" and "forgetive" appeared in my mind.

What is the history or background of this word? Also, what adjective means "easy to forget things" in English?

Best Answer

forge + tive

probably from forge + -tive (as in inventive) First Known Use: 1597

Forge: form or create with concerted effort.

The politician's recent actions are an effort to forge a relationship with undecided voters.

Easily forgotten: forgettable easily forgotten, esp. through being uninteresting or mediocre.

It was an extremely forgettable performance.

someone who forgets: forgetful: apt or likely not to remember.

I'm a bit forgetful these days

also: absentminded