Learn English – why does meet sometimes mean first time and sometimes not


If I say "I will go to this place and meet this person" then I suppose it doesn't necessarily mean meeting them for the first time.

But if you say it's nice to meet somebody, that always seems to mean the first time. Unless you say it's nice to meet somebody again. You can say nice to see you, which doesn't imply that you haven't seen them before.

Is it just something particular about the phrase "nice to meet you" that it means first time. Whereas in other contexts it doesn't necessarily mean first time?

Are there other uses of "meet" that mean first time , besides "nice to meet you"?

If I were to say "nice to meet you" to somebody i'm meant to know well then it sounds a bit rude.. So I want to have a good idea of what other uses of meet imply first time.

Best Answer

meet has several meanings, and here it looks like you are using the one: being introduced to some one. This can only happen once. You can meet that person again, but then it is more appropriate to say nice to see you again. You would still say something like let's meet here tomorrow.