Learn English – Why is a transportation by road called a “Shipment” but a transportation by seaways called “Cargo”


I was just reading an article concerning a product trade and transports between countries and came through these words that made me wonder about their differences.

Best Answer

I disagree with @baquiano to some extent. For one thing, shipment can also refer to the goods themselves, as in

The shipment of machine parts was due to arrive yesterday.

Such a shipment can be cargo when it is in transit. But it can still be a shipment even when it is no longer in transit.

The shipment of machine parts arrived yesterday, and is currently in the warehouse.

So in that respect it differs from cargo. Once cargo is no longer in transit, it is no longer cargo.

Just for the record, my Webster's defines cargo as

goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle

and shipment as

a quantity of goods shipped; a consignment

Think of a shipment as something that is, was, or will be shipped. Think of cargo as something that is currently being shipped. And take shipped to mean "carried by some type of long-distance conveyance" (not limited to actual ships).