Learn English – Why is “work” spelled with an “o”


Why is the word "work" spelled with an "o"? I can't find the answer anywhere. I know it comes from Old English "weorc" but I can not find how it came to be spelled "work" instead of "werk".

Best Answer

Why are worship, world, worse, worm, word, worry, worth all spelled with "o"s? There was a sound change in many words beginning "wor" at some point after English spelling became fixed. When Shakespeare wrote

I think good thoughts whilst other write good words,
And like unletter'd clerk still cry 'Amen'
To every hymn that able spirit affords
In polish'd form of well-refined pen,

it rhymed. He also rhymes worth with forth. However, he rhymes worse with curse, so presumably worse was already pronounced the modern way; either the sound change had already happened or it had acquired its modern pronunciations for other reasons.