Learn English – Why isn’t it corporeal punishment instead of corporal punishment


Both corporeal and corporal have similar etymologies, and the difference seems to be very nuanced (see the fact that EO points us to corporality, meaning of corporeal existence).

From Etymology Online:

Corporal (adj.) – "of or belonging to the body," late 14c., from Old French corporal (12c., Modern French corporel) "of the body, physical, strong," from Latin corporalis "pertaining to the body," from corpus (genitive corporis) "body" (from PIE root *kwrep- "body, form, appearance"). Corporal punishment "punishment of the body" (as opposed to fine or loss of rank or privilege) is from 1580s. Related: Corporality.

Corporeal (adj.) – early 15c., with adjectival suffix -al (1) + Latin corporeus "of the nature of a body," from corpus "body" (living or dead), from PIE *kwrpes, from root *kwrep- "body, form, appearance."

If something was corporeal punishment, what would it be then? Or, would saying corporeal punishment be technically correct but only hit our ears wrong?

If they are different enough, what about the e makes this so?

Best Answer

While the two have once had a greater overlap in meaning (Shakespeare uses corporal were we today would use corporeal in MacBeth), the two differ in meaning more than in etymology.

Corporeal means of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit. Corporal means of the body as in paying attention to the actual individual body.

Since by "corporal punishment" we mean such punishment as flogging, spanking, mouth-soaping, amputation, branding, etc that is inflicted on the actual individual body, it falls under the second use.

The distinction was one of preference rather than firm definition until relatively recently. I mentioned Shakespeare above using corporal for corporeal, and as late as the mid 1800s we do find "corporeal punishment", but such uses were increasingly against the general trend, and now they are more firmly separated in precisely how each relates to the body.

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