Learn English – “Woman front bits” meaning


Whats does "woman front bits" actually means?

This question is surprisingly inspired by one of the answers
to this question: "Is there any slang I should avoid in the UK or Ireland".
It is appropriate to quote it here:

Avoid the use of the word "fanny", as it is slang for, ah, a woman's
front bits. Be very careful when referring to your fanny pack!

In dictionary I have it is written that "fanny" indeed is a British English pejorative term for female genitalia. On the other hand, in urban dictionary we can read about two different meanings of "front bits" term:

  • The male private parts.
  • the way a Brit explains breasts.

So, not that it is the most important slang word in my life, but what does this term exactly mean talking of women.

Best Answer

In the UK, certainly, a fanny is slang for vagina.

A lady's front bits would definitely mean vagina and not breasts. A less-oft-used term is "front bum" which is also slang for vagina.

I have never known front bits refer to breasts.