Learn English – Word between humbling and flattering


I was recently offered a job which I didn't think I'd be well suited to, but several people whose opinion I greatly value said they thought I'd be great at it. I'm looking for a word to describe the feeling this created in me. The closest I can say was that "I found my friends' reactions humbling". But to me humbling suggests a diminishment of one's opinion of oneself in response to an event. Perhaps "flattering" is closer, but that sounds sycophantic. It feels like there should be a better word, but I can't think of it. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Consider "honored":

"I was honored by their consideration."

While this usage is very common, I'm having trouble coming up with a definition that exactly matches the way I'm used to seeing it used. The closest definition I've found comes from Dictionary.com:

"[T]he privilege of being associated with or receiving a favor from a respected person, group, organization, etc."

The definition above comes closer to the meaning that I'm used to if the phrase "a favor" were replaced with "praise."

The following web links give examples of "I was honored" being used in the "humbled & flattered" sense:



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