Learn English – Word for a body of water that is sufficiently populated with fish and worthy of fishing in


My game is exploration-and-interaction base. Now that the player has struggled and found a fishing rod, I would like my character to convey the message that "this pond appears to be sufficiently populated with fish, and it is a worthy place to consider fishing."

How can I convey these two ideas in one word or in a short phrase?

a scene from a video game, with a pond next to a stone wall, and a character named "Hamza" trying to express the notion that it might be worth fishing here

Best Answer

I think the word you're probably looking for is "teeming", which describes something as being densely populated or swarming with life.

In your case, the appropriate phrase would probably be something like:

"This pond is teeming with fish! Maybe I can catch one."

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