Learn English – Word for a dish that looks unpleasant


Is there a noun to describe a dish that looks unpleasant & unappetizing. The situation may be that someone makes their best to cook and serve you this dish and this cooking puts this person out too much.

However, it turns out that the result is disgusting and makes you feel sick.

Dish presented to look like a creature

Best Answer

The noun slop is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as being:

1.2. Unappetizing semi-liquid food.

  • I may have called that food slop, but compared to this I consider it a meal fit for kings!

Cambridge Dictionaries says

​food that is more ​liquid than it should be and is ​therefore ​unpleasant:

  • Have you ​tried the slop that they ​call ​stew in the ​canteen?

Alternatively, swill

​food that is very ​bad:

  • I ​refuse to ​eat the swill that they ​serve in the ​canteen.