Learn English – Word for a phase of a project after the implementation


I am working on an assessment plan for a project. The project is divided into three phases, and each is to be assessed separately.

The first two phases are called pilot and implementation. The third phase is called continuation, but I feel there is a better word for this.

I want to capture in a single word the essence of this phase – that we will reassess and refine the project periodically after implementation and that this phase is entirely in the future. I have not liked any of the thesaurus suggestions for continuous, continuation, or future.

Best Answer

I would recommend calling it the Sustaining phase. This is common parlance in project management for the phase that comes after launch, where you refine/maintain the project.

Some other terms that might fit include:

  • Refinement
  • Maintenance
  • Launch
  • Deployment
  • or even, as you said originally - Continuation
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