Learn English – Word for a satisfying tactile feeling


What is the word for a tactile satisfying feeling? Some examples include the feeling of magnets gently clicking together, the sound of a car door closing, or the feeling of pressing/clicking a really nice button.

Best Answer



a picture or sound that is crisp is clear [= sharp]:



Strongly built or made of strong materials; not flimsy or slender: a solid door with good, secure locks



Having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure: the bed should be reasonably firm, but not too hard

Ergonomics in the Automotive Design Process by Vivek D. Bhise

Information Acquired Through Other Sensory Modalities

Human factors engineers work with other engineers in specialized functions such as acoustics and sound engineering; noise, vibrations, and harshness; and interior trim and materials to make sure that the vehicle provides the necessary cues of the right type and magnitude and enhances the pleasing perceptions (e.g., sound of the exhaust that conveys engine power, sound of door closing that provides the feeling of "solidness" or "solid build quality," tactile feedback received from "crisp" detent feel while operating electrical switches, smell of "genuine" leather from the seats).