Learn English – Word for being “determined to do something despite knowing that you are doomed”


Looking for a word that would describe, for example, a soldier who is willing to climb up out of a trench and charge to his death at the order of the commander. Or a person who, through some supernatural power, learns their fate, but attempts to push against it anyway. Or Frodo and Sam hopelessly marching alone against Mordor. Or Theoden and his entourage charging out the gate of Helm's Deep when they believe that there is no longer any hope of winning the battle.

Sort of the Finnish word Sisu but without the belief that the impossible odds can be overcome.

A kind of grave determination to at least 'give it a shot.'

Looking for a single word, preferably a noun that could be used like "The captain's speech filled him with _______" or an adjective that could be used like "Despite knowing that he would be dead before the day was out, the _________ man marched on."

Best Answer

I think resolute (adj) or resolve (noun) could be good options.

resolute [adj.]- firm in purpose or belief; steadfast

resolve [noun]- fixity of purpose; a strong determination to do something

In your sample sentences:

The captain's speech filled him with resolve.

Despite knowing that he would be dead before the day was out, the resolute man marched on. (or maybe "...the man marched resolutely on.")

I think it captures some of the grit/tenacity from your Sisu example, with a bit of an aspect of stoic resignation/"grave determination", as you said.