Learn English – Word for change of opinion


What is the word for “changing one’s opinion”?

I’m looking for something similar to concede, but that implies that the person knew the right answer all along but was just pretending that the answer was something else. What if I want to imply that the person was sure of something, but something changed what he thought?

More specifically, the sentence I’m writing is

He thought this . . . but after being criticized, he __ that the critics were correct".

It’s actually a negative effect, his way of thinking permanently changed due to criticism (and I’m trying to say his original opinion was better).

Best Answer

Regarding the final sentence of the question (as quoted below) related words among others include co-opt, assimilate, hoodwink, cave, and perhaps recant.

It's actually a negative effect, his way of thinking permanently changed due to criticism (and I'm trying to say his original opinion was better).

However, to fit those words into your sample sentence (“he thought this ... but after being criticized, he __ that the critics were correct”) requires adjustments, perhaps as illustrated in the following samples.

• He thought his views were sound but the critics soon co-opted him.
• His views were sound, but he caved under withering criticism.
• Under light but unrelenting peer pressure, he recanted and was assimilated.
• Despite his precise and marvelous mind, the critics soon hoodwinked him.