Learn English – Word for cohesive, focused, all parts working towards one goal


I really enjoy stories with a strong central theme, where all the character development, plot, worldbuilding etc. revolve around that one key idea or mood.

What is a good word I can use to describe such a story?

I want to capture the idea of 1) a strong central focus, and 2) every part having the same ultimate purpose of developing that focus. Preferably the word would have a complimentary sense to it that captures the satisfaction of the unity in such a work.

"Cohesive" just makes it sound like the different parts of the story work well together, not necessarily that they work well together towards a common goal.

"Focused" highlights how the story is very concerned with a particular subject, but not how all the different parts work together harmoniously to develop that subject.

"Unity" is close, but it's a kind of still, passive word; I'm not sure it adequately communicates the idea of actively working towards a common goal. It also feels strange to say that a story "has unity" or "is unified".

Sample sentence:

"This novel is ____; every character's journey is about some aspect of responsibility."

Best Answer

This could be called artistic unity.

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