Learn English – Word for “edited only for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting”


I'm trying to concisely convey that what's presented is not the author's exact original work, but has been edited with conservation of content, voice, and style in mind, changing only to e.g. fix misspellings, add a missing space after a period, capitalize the first letter of a sentence, remove manually-inserted newlines so the text can be reflowed, delete a duplicate sentence, split into paragraphs a text without any.

A short phrase would do too. The most important thing is that virtually everybody reading it interprets it as intended.

Close things I don't like:

  • "conservatively edited": could be misinterpreted. Was an unimportant paragraph deleted? etc.
  • "proofread" – proofreading technically means just marking mistakes, not correcting them, and doesn't really include things like reformatting for a new display medium.
  • "edited for grammar": doesn't include all above classes of edits, and potentially includes edits specifically not made, like rephrasing technically-correct sentences.

Best Answer

As suggested in comments on the question, "copyediting" seems to be what I'm looking for. It includes "mechanical editing" (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc) as well as things like correcting inconsistencies, removing repetition, and imposing structure, "while respecting personal stylistic preferences [of the author]".

Copyediting could also include more drastic rewriting, which I don't intend, but it seems that good copyediting either avoids it or does it in a way somewhat-artfully consistent with the original work. It seems that the goal of copyediting is to do as I described.