Learn English – Word for feeling of closure or peace of a relationship (usually a bad one)


As written in the title, there's a specific word that is not too common in English that's used to describe the feeling you can get when you finally resolve your long-term disdain for someone, or reaching some sort of civility between you and them.

I can't remember it but I would know it if I saw it.


He attained [a feeling of] ____ after talking to his estranged father after many years.

I'm not looking for synonyms of peace or closure, and nothing on Thesaurus.com has helped me. It is a very specific, unique word. It's like closure, peace of mind, or inner peace, but I've only seen it used in the context of sunsetting a toxic, detached relationship.


The actual meaning of the word I was looking for was peace of mind for any period of negativity. It's not necessarily unique to interpersonal relationships.

Best Answer

Perhaps, catharsisM-W

2b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension

"She has learned to have her catharsis, take a deep breath and move on. … she does not dwell on the negative anymore." —Selena Roberts, New York Times, 24 June 2001

Wikipedia explains in detail:

Stages of social catharsis:

  1. Directly after emotional effects, the emotions are shared. Through sharing, there is a reciprocal stimulation of emotions and emotional communion.

  2. This leads to social effects like social integration and strengthening of beliefs.

  3. Finally, individuals experience a renewed trust in life, strength, and self-confidence

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