Learn English – Word for having strong political opinions but no consistent “side”


I'm looking for a word or phrase to describe someone who has strong political opinions or beliefs, but they belong to such a wide variety of "sides" that you can't really pin them down with a specific label.

For example, the person agrees with some typically leftist views but also supports some conservative ones. They also like some authoritative ones as well as certain libertarian ones, and so on.

"Centrist" seems more to describe someone who's more neutral on everything, which isn't what I want.

The closest phrase I've heard used for this is shotgun opinion but I haven't been able to find an actual word for this. Both informal and formal words or phrases are acceptable.

Best Answer

I'm not sure there is one word or phrase for such a person, although in some contexts the term independent covers a lot of idiosyncratic political views. And there is a class of people who call themselves "economically conservative but socially progressive/liberal", however there is no one word for this (fairly common) type.

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