Learn English – Word for making your life circumstances seem much worse than it is


What is a word for when someone feels overly sorry for themselves?

John writes how his life was ruined by only being potty trained a year later than other kids of his age. Sally responds saying John is self [ ……. ]

I thought of pity party but it doesn't fit into the context. I'm thinking of a more formal word perhaps that tries to convey an over-exaggeration of feeling sorry for oneself or making one's life circumstances seem much worse than it is

Best Answer

The act of reflecting on one's perceived woes is also known as self-commiserating.

And then he sighed a querulous, self-commiserating sigh, as if in pure regret that he, the loved and courted of so many worshippers, should be now abandoned to the mercy of a harsh, exacting, cold-hearted woman like that, and even glad of what kindness she chose to bestow, (Chapter 48, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Bronte)