Learn English – Word for many people doing the same (silly) thing


An example: Tourists at the leaning tower of Pisa all doing the same (clichéd) pose.

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Is there a single word for such behavior? It's not a flash mob, obviously, because it happens all year 'round. It's not mirroring because it's not subconscious behavior, but something very intentional. It's not synchronicity because it's not a spontaneous thing. It's not aping or copycatting either, since people aren't (necessarily) mimicking anyone in particular.

I suppose it's ritualistic, but that seems too serious for something so silly.

I suppose this behavior constitutes a meme, but I'm wondering if there's a better word for it. Or for the act itself; the act of participating in and propagating the meme.

Best Answer

The tourists behave like lemmings or like the sheep of Panurge (Rabelais - France - 16th Century)

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You may also say that they are "blind followers".

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