Learn English – Word for people who just comment rather than act on something


Is there any word referring to people who sit and comment rather than act.

Example: Reading morning newspaper headline, sad news and discuss over tea rather than act and do something toward it.

Best Answer

If they are reading and commenting about it after the fact, I’d call them “Monday-morning quarterbacks.”

If the event is still occurring and they don’t have the skills, means, and/or opportunity to do anything except comment or complain, I’d call them “Armchair quarterbacks/generals" or perhaps even “kibitzers.”

Finally, if it’s still occurring and they do have the skills, means, and opportunity to help but lack the enthusiasm or concern to extend their involvement in the issue beyond that of merely commenting on it, I’d call them “apathetic/complacent/indifferent (and/or if the consequences of their inaction so merit, even)/depraved-heart/heartless observers.”