Learn English – Word for situation in which there is no alternative


What is a word to describe the situation in which there is no alternative or something cannot be helped?

I am looking for a neutral word, similar to impotent, instead of the slightly negative helpless, grudgingly, willy-nilly or nolens volens.

For example, how do we describe this situation?

The teacher's lecture is dull, but I have to sit there and listen. I
have no choice.

In Japan the (-.-) icon is used in text messaging and in Chinese 無奈 is used to describe this.

Best Answer

Hummm...you might be looking for inevitable:

Adjective: Certain to happen; unavoidable: war was inevitable.

Noun: A situation that is unavoidable.

Synonyms: unavoidable - inescapable - ineluctable - necessary

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