Learn English – Word for somebody who does a trial of something new


I'm looking for a noun that describes a person that experiences something while he is experiencing.

As an example (I look for the word for the general case), a young person (John) that accompanies a farmer at his work for few days, to check how is it feeling for him, in order to decide later if he wants to study agriculture. The missing word would be one word that describe John while he is in the farm:

John is a _____.

Another example: someone who is considering participating in a surfing camp, and takes a one-day trial to check whether it is for him. What I'm looking for is what to call him during that day.

Best Answer

Depending as always on context you can call them a prospective farmer or prospective surfer. This would mean they are doing something as a test.

They could actually be called a farmer and a surfer since they are actually doing these things. Their intentions will not be known until they have finished doing them.