Learn English – Word for someone intentionally punishing self to get reactions/pity


I'm looking for a single word or short phrase for someone who intentionally burdens his or her self with a task or something that could be seen as a punishment purely to gain others' pity and make them feel as though they have wronged the person — sort of a "woe is me", martyr-like attitude. For instance, if a parent forces a child to do his or her chores against their will, the child might take an unusually long time to do it (making it seem like an overly arduous task) or might even intentionally break a piece of furniture in the process and claim "see what you made me did!" or something to that effect in order to seem like the victim, flipping the scenario's blame upon the parent.

Best Answer

Martyr it is (or play the martyr, if you want to be clearer):

1.1 A person who displays or exaggerates their discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy or admiration:
She wanted to play the martyr.