Learn English – Word for someone that believes he deserves everything he wants


What's the word for someone that believes he deserves everything he wants?

I'm thinking "spoiled" or "entitled", but I'm sure there's a more accurate word out there.


"what do I have against entitled?" I'm thinking about it, and it is actually a perfect word, but I realized I'm not looking for an adjective but a noun. As in:

"I'm tired of the ***something-ness of these people", which I know can be rephrased as "I'm tired of these entitled people", but I wanted some variety…
"sense of entitlement", maybe? but in just one word… I feel there should be a word for it, (just "entitlement", then?) or maybe I'm being too pushy.

Best Answer

There are a few that could be just shy of the exact meaning, and if you're open to combinations, you could have more options

egocentric: This is more like someone who is concerned with getting only what he wants, without regard for anyone else.

poise: If she is confident she deserves everything she wants, then she could be said to have a certain poise (there are several words that could work here: stately, reclined, unconcerned).

airy: You could use this for tone to depict the he does not worry because he knows he deserves everything.