Learn English – Word for someone who does not like/want to get a job or do anything in life


In Portuguese, my native language, we have a lot of words for this kind of person, like mandrião, calaceiro, calaça, indolente, malandro, etc. We have also lighter words like preguiçoso that is the equivalent to "lazy" in English, but lazy has other meanings and can be used to someone that does things at low speed.

What words are there in English that have more aggressive power than "lazy", to call a person like that? I thought loser but that has other meanings as I see.

Best Answer

From Wikipedia on Hobo:

Unlike "tramps"—who work only when they are forced to, and "bums"—who do not work at all, "hobos" are itinerant workers.

I think bum is the ideal word you want without sounding antiquated or too harsh. If you are looking for harsh, I'd go with "useless waste of space."